
CIO, Co-Founder

Mar. 2021 - Present (4 yrs 0 mos)
Walks Cloud Inc. Taipei, Taiwan

  • Configure BGP for IP Transit
  • Configure and maintain Dell servers, Cisco switch, Fortinet firewall, Palo Alto firewall, Synology NAS in IDC
  • Monitoring network traffic using LibreNMS
  • Setup and maintain internal services (Mattermost, Redmine, Graylog, LibreNMS, GitLab, etc.)
  • Build and maintain customer office network, infrastructure
  • Developing easy-to-use LDAP Manager
  • Customize OpenVPN Server
  • Developing Cloud LDAP and Cloud RADIUS
  • Developing VPN service for customer to connect our Cloud LDAP and Cloud RADIUS
  • Build VPN service with OSPF to implement scale-out scalability
  • Developing scripts for MDM service to manage devices

Research and Development Engineer

Feb. 2022 - Feb. 2025 (3 yrs 0 mos)
KlickKlack Communications Taipei, Taiwan

  • Setup and maintain internal services (e.g. wireless controller, monitoring, dashboard, logging)
  • Setup and maintain mass deployment service via network
  • Setup router, network switch, firewall and access points for customer
  • Lead to dockerize all services
  • Lead to implement CI/CD workflow
  • Developed devices config backup service with netmiko and using Git for version control
  • Developed monitoring scripts using Bash and Python to monitor router, network switch, wireless controller, PBX and MDM service
  • Developed a custom RSS feed service using Python to fetch news from websites which does not provide RSS feed
  • Developed a centralized management system for routers located in the offices of customers
  • Developed tools for internal use to automate routine tasks
  • Integrate monitor and log service notification to Slack
  • Diagnostic and repair simple hardware failures of network switch and router
  • Diagnostic and repair networking and Wi-Fi performance issues

Systems Engineer

Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2021 (1 yr 10 mos)
TeamT5 Inc. Taipei, Taiwan

Maintain Servers, Networking devices, Internal Services, Developing and build internal systems

  • Configure BGP Routing, Firewall rule on Mikrotik, Cisco, VyOS, Juniper
  • Configure VLANs on RouterBoard, Cisco Switchs
  • Configure Ubiquiti (UniFi) Wireless Access Point
  • Manage DHCP, NAT, DNS Service
  • Maintain IP-PBX, IP-Phone
  • Maintain LDAP, RADIUS Service
  • Monitoring Server status (e.g. Hardware health, Temperature, CPU, Memory, Network, Power, Disk usage) and Server room environment with our own software
  • Monitoring network traffic using LibreNMS and Moloch
  • Manage Door access control system
  • Upgrade networking device from Mikrotik to Cisco
  • Setup transit tunnel and BGP session to using our own Public IP in Office
  • Setup DNS filter using AdGuard Home
  • Setup centralized log management using Graylog
  • Build our own monitoring system using Prometheus, Grafana, InfluxDB, HealthChecks
  • Developing our own LDAP Manage System and deploy automaticly using GitLab CI/CD and Docker
  • Developing 2FA VPN Server using OpenVPN
  • Developing automated printing label system using Golang

System Administrator

Jul. 2018 - Jan. 2019 (7 mos)
National Chiao Tung University, Wireless Internet Laboratory Hsinchu, Taiwan

Maintain Laboratory Server, Service and Networking devices

  • Manage/Assign limited Laboratory IP
  • Configure VLAN on Juniper Switch for separate public network and research network (e.g. SDN, Openstack)
  • Maintain vSphere for provide laboratory services (e.g. Web, MySQL, FTP, VPN, NAT)

Software Developinger Intern

Sep. 2017 - Jun. 2018 (9 mos)
Institute for Information Industry, Cybersecurity Technology Institute Taipei, Taiwan

Maintain and customization frontend and cooperate with the backend to Developing new features

  • Found BOM Bytes in PHP script for download program that cause downloaded binary broken
  • Replace WinRAR with 7-Zip for packing config into client execution binary to reduce compress time

System Administrator

Feb. 2015 - Jun. 2018 (3 yrs 4 mos)
Chinese Culture University, Department of CSIE Taipei, Taiwan

Maintain Department Server, Service, Networking devices

  • Configure server room and pc classroom Firewall, VLAN, NAT, Static DHCP Binding on RouterBoard router and Juniper Switch
  • Build and Maintain pc classroom network files sharing service with 2 roles (Teacher - readwrite, Student - readonly) on Windows Server 2016
  • Use ITMS Mass deploy System and Software Installation/Update service to manage around of 90 computers
  • Build private cloud using Promox VE to provide public services (e.g. DNS, Online Judge)
  • Maintain in-house GitLab Server to manage online judge source code
  • Developing pc classroom network manage app with cordova, HTML, JS and Python for api communicating with routerboard router
  • Using observium to monitor network and service status
  • Administrative of G Suite console for department


CareTaipower - Taiwan Power Monitoring Dashboard
CareTaipower Bot - Taiwan Power Monitoring Bot
CloudJudge - Online Judge for PCCU CSIE
PCCU Bot - A Chatbot for PCCU Students and staffs to get information of school convenient
PCCU Weather - PCCU Realtime Weather Information
PCCU Course Rating - A Website for PCCU Students to share course experience
Hidden Input Finder - Extension for Chrome to find out hidden input field of webpage


Linux Cisco Juniper Ruckus Aruba RouterOS Fortigate Palo Alto BGP OSPF PHP Python Golang Bash Zsh Nginx Git GitLab MySQL MariaDB MongoDB Redis Proxmox VE Proxmox Mail Gateway VMware vSphere Google Workspace Amazon SES Amazon SNS Amazon Lambda Cloudflare CDN Cloudflare Zero Trust Docker Zabbix Grafana Graylog 3CX FreePBX FusionPBX Mosyle Jamf Soldering


BSc in Computer Science

2014 - 2018
Chinese Culture University

  • Study Software Engineering
  • Developing Online Judge for PCCU CSIE to save labor costs using Bootstrap and jQuery for frontend, Laravel for backend and shell script for compiling and judging